Adding a Rollo Printer to Debian


Staff member
Feb 11, 2022
To install the Rollo driver in Debian:

Navigate to the Rollo website and download the Linux driver.

Open your terminal app window.

Type: Sudo su

Type: your root password when prompted to.

Navigate to the root directory.
Type: CD

Create a new Rollo directory.
Type: mkdir rollo

Navigate to the directory.
Type: CD rollo

Open Nemo or whichever file explorer app you are using and drag your driver into newly created rollo folder. (I will spare you the terminal typing).

At this point, I would rename your file to something shorter than rollo-driver-ubuntu_x86_64_v1.0.2.tar.gz. Rollo64.tar.gz worked for me.

** Type: gunzip rollo64.tar.gz

Navigate to the newly unzipped folder.
Type: CD Rollo64.tar

Extract files:
Type: tar vxf rollo-driver-ubuntu_v1.0.1-beta.tar

Navigate into the next folder which should be ubuntu_x86_64_v1.0.2
Type: CD ubuntu_x86_64_v1.0.2

Install driver files:
Type: sh install

Now use the printer app to +add the printer.

Printer ThermalPrinter; connected to a USB port.

Choose driver Rollo

Print a test page.

Note: Use the "usb" printer option and select “Rollo” from the list of printers.

Note: that the *.ppd file has “Thermal Printer” listed inside and so that may be the name of your printer when installed. You may have the option to name your printer during driver install.

** Note: do not attempt to right click on the zipped file and extract inside of Nemo or your file explorer gui, this must be done on the command line or the file will not unzip correctly or you may have missing files.

**Printed thermal stickers actually print darker and sharper on Linux versus Windows.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for the likes, hope this helps everyone.
