Run out of /boot/efi disk?


Staff member
In my experience with Pop_OS! I tend to only be able to have a current and previous kernel installed, but I also want to have a xanmod kernel installed...
As I was silly and didn't create the partitions myself at installation, I've lately been getting a tonne of alerts indicating that /boot/efi had 0 bytes available.
This is mostly because the default partition size is only 500MB.... wut?!

Without having to go into recovery mode, resize things, recreate the /boot/efi partition completely, restore the data, and all that messing around, I wanted to find a solution
to just let me get rid of that darn error message!

Alas, I asked the internet gods, and they delivered, and it was pretty simple... Make the initrd's smaller.

Editing /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf

Look for the line:


Update it to:


Now, regenerate your initrd:

update-initramfs -u -k all

Once that's complete, I found a 29MB delta, just enough for that message to go away!

The downside to this change? xz provides much better compression, but as a result, it can take a little bit longer to decompress; this translates to an absolutely tiny and generally imperceptible increase in boot time.

This is just a workaround to get rid of the message, etc. Ideally, you'd create a larger EFI partition upon installation, but hey, it works.
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